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Perhaps a phone call as an initial step, followed by an appointment to visit. We will show you an available room and, with an existing clients permission, a room that has been made their own.

You will be able to meet current residents and talk to them about
life at Port Regis. You will see activities in action and be able to assess the facilities we have to offer, including a walk around our beautiful grounds.

Most importantly you will be able to talk to the manager in detail about the care needs that will be required.

We offer residential and dementia care, our teams are skilled in these specific areas and work closely with the relevant health care professionals.

Apart from the assessed care needs, all household costs, catering,
and laundry are included.

Hairdressing and chiropody are charged on a pay as you go basis, transport costs to pre-booked appointments are also charged.

Visitors are most welcome and encouraged. We do have a booking system, but you are not limited to any specific number of visits.

Port Regis offers a range of activities carried out by our dedicated activity organisers. We have regular resident’s meetings to establish their preferences, likes and dislikes.

Port Regis has a very stable and loyal team of staff, however there are times when we need to recruit.

Care work is fulfilling and rewarding. Experience is not always necessary, but welcome, as we are able to offer a comprehensive training programme.

We also have a very flexible approach to working hours.

If you would like to consider a career in care please contact us for further information.